Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

How Do You Hear God Speak?

Do you hear sacred echoes? When you can see Jesus as the ultimate gift, and the importance of unity among Christians, then I think those sacred echoes will ring out clearly for you!

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

What is a Servant?

So, in my crazy mum-brain, being called a servant shifted. If God was calling the governor of Judah a servant in one breath and then giving him His signet ring in the next, then the term servant could be more esteemed in my eyes. If I can model the beauty of servanthood to my children, then will they also grow up to be men who serve?

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

What is Identity All About?

What if your identity could be based in the fact that God fashioned humanity - YOU - with his own loving, capable hands?

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

The Power of Being Present

You don’t have to walk the tightrope that so many try to, and that may be the point that is the most important. Deep down, you too must yearn for deeper conversation with friends and for clearer purpose in life. 

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

Kids and Swearing

Instead of talking about our favorite bad words, I want us talking about our favorite good words…if there is such a thing.  

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

Instructions on the Way You Should Go

How many mothers have wanted to pull their hair out after dealing with the bedtime arguments that seem to pop up out of nowhere. Yet, it is in the quiet moments of night time snuggles that God uses my son to instruct me.  

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

A Means to an End

What if God required these sacrifices as a way to draw His people nearer?
What if God required these sacrifices as a daily reminder of His worth and power?
What if God required these sacrifices as a means to an end?

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

My Beloved

Have you ever heard of the term ‘hesed’? It’s a complex word, and perhaps difficult to nail down when translating into English, but it can be simplified as the idea of love in action.

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

That is Enough for Now

It was just so appropriate that on an afternoon when I was going to finally sit down and write about the idea of ENOUGH it was only the crying of a baby that pulled me back from my thoughts of ‘more, more, more!’

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Melissa Dimartino-DeHart Melissa Dimartino-DeHart

Agape Love

Asking God to love my baby may have been the smartest thing I could have done. In doing so, I have also begun the journey of a better understanding the selfless love of Christ. As I live out selfless moments in motherhood, I am learning more about God’s love for us, His children, and that realization is worth all the dark, tear-filled moments that led up to this point. I really am trying to live in the Light, and that is leading me to some beautifully messy moments.

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