Why do you want to learn about and meditate on Lent this year?
Friends, I am asking myself that question right now. Why did I decide to dive into studying this season known for fasting, penance, and giving?
Am I hearkened back to my Roman Catholic roots?
If you are Catholic then you know and may even treasure the ashes drawn on your forehead on Ash Wednesday—this is a symbol left for all to see throughout your day. The ashes mark you in a very visible way for all to know that you have begun the season of Spring with ashes rather than blooms. You may also recall the dry bowls where holy water used to wait for people’s fingers to dip into for a moment of ritual blessing with the names of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Or am I simply in a season of longing as I recognize how much I need Jesus in this crazy world of ours? Maybe you are too.
I long for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ journey here on earth.
I long for a deeper connection with God through my prayer time.
I long for the ability to truly hear the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
Do you have a list of longings too?
I think that people everywhere, whether in a time of want or plenty, have lists of longing much longer than only three points. This Lenten season is the perfect time to acknowledge our wants, our desires, and our needs. When Jesus spent 40 days in the desert he longed for food. He longed for water. I can only imagine that he longed for proximity with the Father as well. When we see the symbolically hungry and thirsty parts of ourselves, then we can see where only God can fill us. As we prepare for Easter—the most important holiday of the Christian faith, let’s lean into those practices of fasting, penance, and giving. Let’s seek to understand how Jesus came to know longing so that He could truly prepare for what His Father called Him to.
Bible Moments
Get out your Bible and open it up to Jeremiah 29. Remember that this prophet was speaking to God’s people who had gone into exile. We may not be in the same situation, but I do believe God is calling us, His children, back to the prosperous and righteous lives He had in mind for us from the beginning.
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:12-13 NIV).
After reading this, sit still and quiet for at least five minutes. Set a timer on your phone if you have to! Ask God what He would have you give up, repent of, or give to (through your time or finances) over the next 40 days.